Hello hello! Wow, it’s May already. I was gone the entire month of April.. just got back last night. I was on the trip of a lifetime, to China, Australia and Thailand. So no scrapping for a month, but plenty of memories! I came back with nearly 3,000 photos(!!), and the first thing I did today was make a page with the latest Story Kit from Ali Edwards: Click.
I love this theme since photos are a big big part of my life! I haven’t even finished downloading all my photos yet, but this one taken one of our first few days in China deserved its own page. Wherever we went, Chinese people kept asking to take photos with us, which we found pretty funny. And then as I was taking a photo of my husband with the pandas, this happened. It was so funny and cute!! 🙂

I also included the shot of my husband and the pandas that I had set out to take. 🙂
Also, if you want a chance to grab past Story Kits and Stamps on sale, check out the store for some great deals going on right now!
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