Before I get back to posting LOs from the weekend (and I won’t be doing that until later today or tomorrow), let me toot some great news from Saturday: I am in Amy Sumrall’s CT!!!!! 😀
She picked me as a hybrid gal and that quite surprised me (I love hybrid but I still consider myself a digi girl at heart! 🙂 ) but I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun! 😉

In the meantime, Amy’s in the final round of the SYTYCD (So You Think You Can Design) contest at DSA (digiscrapaddicts) so check out her designs and vote for her this weekend (Friday through Sunday)!!
She seriously rocks: she always picks the best color palettes, is a great doodler and is now CU (commercial use) free!!!
She seriously rocks: she always picks the best color palettes, is a great doodler and is now CU (commercial use) free!!!