Hello hello! I haven’t been posting any projects I’ve made lately using Sakuralala stamps because the shop has been closed for renovation, but it is now back online and full of new products!
I find these stamps to be the best for traveler’s notebooks (TN) and planners, I know I wouldn’t be able to document using TNs without them!
Here are some recent weekly TN spreads I made using the Sakuralala stamps.

I LOVE combining different stamp sets to document my daily life. Here I used the new 365: My Town and “Hello, Small Things! – Say Cheese” sets.
I combined them with these sets that I use all the time: 365: Daily, 365: Emotions, 365: Nippon, 365: Food, 365: Activity, 365: Me Time, 365: Fukuro.

Here you can see some images from the 365: My Town and “Hello, Small Things! – Say Cheese” sets.

And in this spread I used the new YEARS – AUTUMN stamp set and the Hello, Small Things! – Autumn Home.

I also used the 365: Emotions, 365: Food, 365: Activity, 365: Hikari, 365: Aki and 365: Family and Friends.

These YEARS stamps are so much fun to use since they have several images that can be combined together.

Tip: since clear stamps are very flexible, you can bend the stem of the flower to give it different shapes.

This deer from the Hello, Small Things! – Autumn Home stamp set is my favorite!
Have a great end of the weekend! 🙂